You’re the Author

This is YOUR site and we want to hear from you! 

  Would you like to share your tips on how you handled the stresses of your first interview or first job, (anything from ideas to help us build up a resume, to your first interview experience, calming our nerves prior to first interview, your interview fashion tips and more)?               

  Would you like to share your tips on how you handled the stresses of a first job, (calming the nerves of walking through that door the very first day, how you handled  co-worker stress, management stress, juggling school and a new job: any tips and tricks which helped you handle the nerves pertaining to anything to do with our very first new job)?

  Perhaps you would like ADVICE on how to:

-build a resume, (things we can do now to eventually build up an impressive resume)?

-write a resume?

-how we calmed our nerves before attending our first interview or the first day on the job jitters?

-what to say, or not say during your first interview?

-advice on proper interview fashion?

-how to deal with first job stresses with co-workers, management, juggling school and a new job, etc?


We are here, learn from each other.

We are normal everyday teens, with normal everyday lives, suffering normal everyday stresses.  Now we have to add getting, and keeping a job.  An abnormal world for us with new challenges which mostly depend on someone else's "normal;" like co workers, managers and owners;  trying to adapt to new rules which we have never been exposed to before...sometimes creating more stress in our lives than we can manage on top of the extreme everyday stresses we are already expected to survive. 

     Well, guess what, it can be a GREAT EXPERIENCE in spite of all that.

It’s a new beginning, our first real independence, a chance to PROVE TO OURSELVES WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE ARE CAPABLE OF.

  If we can teach each other how to survive the stressful situations in a brand new world, BEFORE the stress happens, than we find that strength and talent faster.  It can also be a huge help to the everyday stresses in every other aspect of our lives.

    Plus, lets learn from each other of when the new work life stress isn't worth it; WHAT, and HOW to make a change to fix it.

 It’s all about sharing real world experiences with each other

so we may avoid the ‘speed bumps’ of those first interview

and first job experiences.

Let us hear from you!


Let us hear from YOU via facebook

then look for our weekly blog                            Finish


make the below a side box on this page

One of the more popular tips to reduce all the stresses is to start working in the summer, not during the school year.


© 2019 for Kidz by kidz



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